Getting to School
Student Arrival: Classes begin at 8:30am. Doors will open at 8:00am every morning. In case of inclement weather the doors will open at 7:45am. Students will be allowed in the cafeteria and gym. Students will be released to 1st period at 8:20am. Students arriving after 8:30am will need a tardy slip from the Main Office. Students arriving after 8:45am will be placed in TRAICE for the remainder of 1st period. This cuts down on the number of disruptions to classrooms due to late arrivals.
Student Departure: Classes end at 3:35pm. All students must be out of the building by 3:45pm unless attending detention or Homework Help. Check-Out: Parents/guardians must come to the Main Office to check students out of school. Parents/guardians must have an ID. Only adults listed on the student’s PowerSchool can check students out of school.
Attendance: Students who miss 10 or more days of class are subject to failing the course. Students with chronic absenteeism are subject to having their transfer revoked at the end of the school year. Attendance can affect athletic eligibility, field trip participation, and negatively impact a student’s chance of admission into Tulsa Tech and TCC programs.
Bell Schedule
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
1 | 8:30-9:30 |
2 | 9:35-10:25 |
3 | 10:30-11:20 |
4 | 11:25-12:15 |
1st Lunch A | 12:15-12:40 |
5A | 12:45-1:45 |
5B | 12:20-1:20 |
2nd lunch B | 1:20-1:45 |
6 | 1:50-2:40 |
7 | 2:45-3:35 |
1 | 8:30-9:15 |
2 | 9:20-10:05 |
3 | 10:10-10:55 |
Adv/act/pep | 11:00-11:40 |
4 | 11:45-12:30 |
1st Lunch A | 12:30-12:55 |
5A | 1:00-1:55 |
5B | 12:35-1:30 |
2nd lunch B | 1:30-1:55 |
6 | 2:00-2:45 |
7 | 2:50-3:35 |
Bus Routes
We provide bus transportation for:
- Non-transfer elementary students living 1.5 miles or more from their school; and
- Non-transfer middle school or high school students living 2 miles or more from their school.
Buses may arrive up to 15 minutes after the scheduled stop time. Students should remain at the stop up to 15 minutes after the scheduled stop time. If students wait longer than 15 minutes, call 918-833-8100.
Find your bus route
Select a school
Learn about SAFESTOP
Parents have enough to worry about. SafeStop puts key information at the fingertips of Tulsa Public Schools parents and families, so you won’t spend time or energy wondering, “Where’s the bus?”
Security is priority one, especially where student information is concerned. All parent information is password protected within the app to prevent unauthorized people from accessing any student bus information.
- View a real-time, map-based bus locator
- Guarantee parent and student information privacy
- Create custom zones for each stop and school
- Receive email alerts and push notifications
- Available on smartphones and tablets
- Download the SafeStop app from the App Store or Google Play.
- Enter the school access code. (5C001)
- Enter your child’s unique Student ID.
- Select the bus or route name based on school communications preference you wish to track.
- Create alert zones around drop-off and pick-up points.
You’re all set! You will be able to track the movement of the bus during active route times and receive notifications when the bus enters your custom alert zone(s).
If you have any questions or need assistance, call our customer service center at (918)833-8100.
School Procedures & Policies
Good attendance is vital to the academic success of every student. Please, make sure your student arrives at school on time as often as possible. Under the compulsory education, law it is the duty of the parent or guardian to notify the school regarding the reason for absences of school-aged children.
Students need to be in attendance for at least two hours to be counted as "present" for one-half day. Students arriving late or departing early will have their attendance record accurately reflect the portion of the school day they were reported as "present."
If it is necessary for your child to be absent, please call the attendance desk at 918-833-9600 before 10:30 a.m. All absences must have a written or verbal explanation provided by the parent/guardian within 48 hours of the student's return to school. An absence for which no acceptable explanation is received shall be deemed unexcused.
Pickup Procedures
Adults who arrive at a school to check out a student must check in with the main office, sign an early release document and provide valid photo identification. The school office staff will check the signature and photo identification against the District’s student information management system to ensure the adult is authorized by the parents to have physical custody of the child.
Legal guardians are automatically authorized to check their child out of school unless official court documents are submitted to the school’s main office with instructions that restrict the parent/guardian’s access to the child. Such instructions will be entered into the District’s student information management system.
Only a parent or legal guardian may designate another adult (over the age of 18) to pick up a student early from school. Such authorization must be presented in writing and entered into the District’s emergency contact database. Persons authorized by the parent or legal guardian for early pickup must be able to produce a valid, unexpired, photo identification card.
No Early Release Policy
No Early Release Policy
Parents, please do not request early dismissals for your child after 3:05 p.m. If your child has a scheduled appointment (doctors, dentist, orthodontist, etc.) please show documentation for the release. Thank you for your help with the education of your child.
Politica de no Salida Temprana
Padres, por favor eviten que sus hijos falten a la ultima clase, no los recoja despues de las 3:05 p.m. Si su hijo/a tien una cita (doctor, dentista, ortodoncista, etc.) Durante este horario por favor muestre el documento correspondiente para justificar su salida temprano. Gracias por su ayuda con la educacion de su hijo(a).
Drop Off Procedures
Student Check In/Out Procedures
Check-Out/In Procedures
Students will only be checked out with written parental notification or calling the attendance desk at 918-833-9603. Parents must notify the school prior to students being checked out or personally come in to the front attendance desk to check a student out.
If it is necessary to leave school for any reason, a permit must be obtained, signed by the parent, doctor and/or dentist and returned when the student returns to school. Students arriving late to school must check in at the front attendance desk.
8:30 a.m. | 3:35 p.m. |
Contact Us
Who do I call if my child has not returned home from school on time?
- First call the school
- If you do not get an answer, call transportation at 918-833-8100
- Note: buses may run 10 minutes after the posted stop time